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Gaillardia 'Burgundy'. Rich wine-red flowers, free-flowering. Height 30".
Gaillardia 'Dazzler'. Golden-yellow flowers with crimson tips and maroon centers. Height 2-3'.
Gaillardia 'Goblin'. Compact plants with bright, 3-4" maroon flowers with gold border. Height 12".
Gaura Lindheimeri : ONAGRACEAE, (White Gaura). To 5'. Drought-tolerant native of Texas and Louisiana. Beautiful airy white flowers held high above clean foliage. One of our favorite plants for all season bloom. Use to the middle or front of beds or borders, as this is not a background plant, despite its height. See Horticulture Magazine (June 1990). Zone 5-9. (Image / JPEG / 640x440 pixels / 62KB)
Gaura Lindheimer 'The Bride' : ONAGRACEAE, (White Gaura). To 5'. Drought-tolerant native of Texas and Louisiana. Beautiful airy white flowers held high above crisp foliage. One of our favorite plants for all season bloom. Use to the middle or front of beds or borders, as this is not a background plant, despite its height. See Horticulture magazine (June 1990). 'The Bride' is the seed grown version of Gaura Lindheimeri; otherwise identical. Zones 5-9. (Image / JPEG / 640x440 pixels / 62KB)
Glechoma hederacea 'Variegata' : LAMIACEAE, (Variegated Ground Ivy). Creeping perennial with pretty, rounded leaves splashed with white along narrow stems. Effective ground cover in partial shade, but be aware that it can be quite invasive. Prefers damp soil. Zones 5-9.
Graptopetalum paraguayense : CRASSULACEAE, (Ghost Plant). Hardy succulent with stone gray leaves. Hardy here, probably Zones 7B-11. Good drainage and sun recommended. Mexico.
Gymnaster Savatieri : ASTERACEAE, (Gymnaster). Aster relative with white, yellow-centered daisies. Though the flowers are not large, the exuberance of bloom and the duration of such places this plant at the height of late summer interest. Rhizomatous. Hardy. 1Qt. $5.00 each.
Helianthus angustifolius : ASTERACEAE, (Swamp Sunflower). Excellent glossy green linear foliage, lofty growth, bright yellow daisies, and native adaptation characterize this beauty. Unlike some Helianthus species, this one is not invasive from the root; rather, it is a clump-former, albeit a quick one. Moist soil during the growing season helps the Swamp Sunflower to achieve heights of up to 7' or more. Shear once or twice in early summer to keep the height down. Flowering period is late summer. Native; our plants from local stock. Zones 5-9. (Image / JPEG / 600x426 pixels / 99.6KB) (Image / JPEG / 540x437 pixels / 43.1KB)
Helianthus atrorubens, (Dark-Eye Sunflower). Dark purple-centered yellow daisies in summer on 3 ft. stems. Native of dry woods in the southeastern U.S. Easily identified by the long, winged petiole. Zones 6-9.
Helianthus divaricatus, (Sunflower). Rhizomatous perennial native yellow sunflower. Height 6-7'. Full sun and moist soil.
Helianthus giganteus 'Sheila's Sunshine', (Sheila's Giant Sunflower). Pastel yellow daisies adorn this tall grower (to 10 ft.) in late summer. Keep soil a little on the dry side to reduce the height, but moisture is preferred for best growth. Native of eastern U.S. Zones 3-9. (Image / JPEG / 600x402 pixels / 63.6KB)
Helianthus 'Lemon Queen', (Lemon Queen Sunflower). Selection of the native perennial sunflower with lemon yellow daisies on a plant of compact habit and good branching. Good performer here, with lots of summer flowers. Height 3-4'.
Helianthus Maximiliani, (Maximilian's Sunflower) This native of southern Canada and east central U.S. has 3" yellow daisies in late summer on stout stems to 8 ft. or more. Long, narrow leaves can grow to one foot long. Aggressive. Zones 3-8.
Helianthus salicifolius, (Willow-leaf Sunflower). Wispy leaves belie the strength of this Plains states native. Grows 4-6 ft. tall and prefers a somewhat dry soil in full sun; tolerant of alkaline soils. Nice show of dark-centered yellow daisies in summer. Zones 5-8.
Hemerocallis are familiar to most gardeners, because they are ubiquitous, useful, dependable perennials. Grow the following in any decent soil in sun or partial shade. Our special interest is miniatures, which we feel are particularly well suited to a modern American perennial garden. Many of the large daylilies below that are offered, with only a color for a name, came from Mike's Grandmother Doogie's garden in McComb, Mississippi. They are mostly registered varieties with a name lost long ago, thus our merely descriptive monikers. Our container-grown Daylily plants are shipped bare-rooted from 3-quart pots, in order to reduce shipping costs. 1-quart plants are shipped in the pot. All plants purchased at the nursery are sold growing in the pot. All of our daylilies, bare-rooted as well as potted, may be planted at any time.
Hemerocallis 'Big Gold' : LILIACEAE. Very tall (6-7'), with huge golden yellow flowers. This came from Doogie. Dormant type. (Image / JPEG / 599x390 pixels / 34.4KB)
Hemerocallis 'Bitsy'. Semi-evergreen miniature type, 1.5" flowers, lemon yellow self with interesting brown striped buds, borne on thin scapes about 18-20" tall. Extra-early bloom time. Nocturnal. Warner, 1963. Draws much favorable comment. American Hemerocallis Society (AHS) award winner. (Image / JPEG / 450x451 pixels / 33.2KB)
Hemerocallis 'Border Baby'. Dormant type, repeat blooms. 2.5" yellow self. Height 15". Early to midseason bloom. Hybridized by D. Durio, 1982. (Image / JPEG / 337x339 pixels / 22KB)
Hemerocallis 'Brick Red'. Dark reddish bronze 4" flowers on midsize (3') plants. Dormant type; from Doogie; repeat bloomer. Our very best bloomer, with flowers on and off all summer(mostly on). (Image / JPEG / 560x525 pixels / 50KB)
Hemerocallis 'Burgundy'. Dormant type.
Hemerocallis 'Dallas Kiss'. Canteloupe. (Image / JPEG / 475x404 pixels / 32.2KB)
Hemerocallis 'Dark Red'. Large, medium to dark red. Dormant. Height 3-4'. Very bold summer and fall foliage. From Doogie. This appears to be the same plant as 'Ming Toy'. (Image / JPEG / 686x536 pixels / 59.2KB)
Hemerocallis 'Eenie Weenie' is a miniature (of course!) with 1.75" yellow flowers. Similar to 'Stella d'Oro', but with larger flowers. Dormant type, extended bloom, repeats, early-midseason. Height less than one foot (10"). AHS award winner. Aden, 1976.
Hemerocallis 'Fairy Tale Pink'. 24" midseason, repeat blooming pink self, with 5½" flowers. Semi-evergreen. AHS award winner. Hybridized by C. Pierce, 1980.
Hemerocallis 'Fourth of July' is a miniature red, growing about a foot tall. The flowers are large for the size plant, perhaps 4" across. Dormant type.
Hemerocallis 'Fox Grape'. Nice purple miniature lilies with blue eyes, on compact plants. Dormant type, fragrant, midseason bloom. Height 14", flowers 2 7/8" across. AHS award winner. Limited availability.
Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'. Mini yellow self; extended bloom. Height 18", 3 1/8" flowers. Dormant type, fragrant, extra-early season. AHS award winner. Apps, 1986. Limited availability. (Image / JPEG / 485x458 pixels / 36.5KB)
Hemerocallis 'Hyperion'. The classic yellow daylily. 40" tall, flowers large, yellow-green self. Dormant type, fragrant, extended bloom. F. B. Mead, 1924. (Image / JPEG / 525x501 pixels / 40.3KB)
Hemerocallis 'Jedi Dot Pierce'. Pink with rose eye. Extended bloom and repeats, from early to midseason. Height 20", flowers 6 1/8". Semi-evergreen, fragrant. Wedgeworth, 1988. (Image / JPEG / 550x503 pixels / 42.8KB)
Hemerocallis 'Joliet Double Red'. From a daylily collector in Joliet, Illinois, comes this and the following fine dormant type daylilies. 30" plants with large, fully double, deep red blooms. Popular here when in bloom. (Image / JPEG / 602x400 pixels / 48.8KB)
Hemerocallis 'Joliet Double Yellow'.
Hemerocallis 'Joliet Purple'
Hemerocallis 'Joliet Red'.
Hemerocallis 'Joliet Red Tet'. Red daylily of more substance than 'Joliet Red', but perhaps not tetraploid.
Hemerocallis 'Joliet Semi-Double Yellow'. Good, clear yellow, with extra petals in the center; 4" blooms. Height about 2½'. (Image / JPEG / 796x545 pixels / 45.2KB)
Hemerocallis 'Joliet Yellow-Peach'. Bicolor blend. (Image / JPEG / 484x402 pixels / 31KB)
Hemerocallis 'Lemon Yellow'. Another one from Doogie, this has rather narrow petals on large flowers. Tall (4-5'). (Image / JPEG / 697x634 pixels / 63.6KB)
Hemerocallis 'Light Peach'.
Hemerocallis 'Little Business' is a rose-red self, small-flowered tetraploid daylily, with 3" flowers on scapes to 15" tall. Dark-eyed. Long (extended) bloom period, repeats. Begins blooming in early to midseason. Semi-evergreen. AHS award winner. T. Maxwell, 1971. (Image / JPEG / 561x546 pixels / 66.8KB)
Hemerocallis 'Little Dandy'. Dark red (purple) miniature (2½"). Height 16", semi-evergreen, early-midseason. Hughes, 1970.
Hemerocallis 'Little Grapette'. Purple(!) miniature, with 2" flowers on 12" plants. Reblooms nicely. Very popular semi-evergreen daylily. Early season of bloom. AHS award winner. Williamson, 1970. (Image / JPEG / 734x513 pixels / 61.2KB)
Hemerocallis 'Little Red Devil'. Nice small daylily, growing 16" tall. Bright red blend. 3" flowers in profusion. Dormant type, midseason. Kennedy, 1986.
Hemerocallis 'MacMillan Memorial'. Evergreen, 26" tall, purple with a purple halo. Flowers 7" across, evergreen, repeats, fragrant, nocturnal, extended bloom. Guidry, 1986.
Hemerocallis 'Mumbo Jumbo'. Fragrant 6¼" pink with rose halo. Height 21", starts blooming early, repeats. Diploid, semi-evergreen, nocturnal, extended bloom. AHS award winner. Guidry, 1979. (Image / JPEG / 542x516 pixels / 50.2KB)
Hemerocallis 'Ming Toy'. Red with yellow center. Height 2' to 2½'. (Image / JPEG / 555x469 pixels / 60.1KB)
Hemerocallis 'Naomi Ruth'. Miniature plant (dormant type), with peach (pink self) flowers of good substance and size (3½"). Height 30", in midseason bloom. AHS award winner. G. Taylor, 1972.
Hemerocallis 'Old Mt. Vernon'. Ivory-flowered evergreen with extended bloom period. Height of flower scape 32", flowers 7" across. Mid to late season. Wall, 1977.
Hemerocallis x hybrida 'Orange'. Tall, dormant-type, with beautiful reddish orange flowers. Repeat bloomer: our second best bloomer, with at least 3 flushes of bloom here. Beginning gardeners take note: this is one of the toughest, easiest plants we offer in this catalog. (Image (close-up) / JPEG / 315x310 pixels / 25.4KB) (Image (group) / JPEG / 607x403 pixels / 63.1KB)
Hemerocallis 'Peach-Flushed Yellow' has large yellow flowers with a hint of peach, evergreen foliage, and tall scapes. Very nice daylily growing 5' tall, from Doogie. (Image / JPEG / 689x612 pixels / 55.9KB)
Hemerocallis 'Pink' has large soft pink flowers, evergreen foliage, and tall scapes. Another nice daylily growing 4-5' tall, from Doogie.
Hemerocallis 'Pixie Parasol'. Apricot (peach self) mini (2¼"), semi-evergreen type, height about 14". Good bloomer from early to midseason. AHS award winner. Hudson, 1975.
Hemerocallis 'Purple with Yellow Eye'. (Image / JPEG / 552x570 pixels / 51.4KB)
Hemerocallis 'Red with Yellow Throat'.
Hemerocallis 'Rose with Yellow Throat'. Rosy red. Dormant type. From Doogie. (Image / JPEG / 552x506 pixels / 42.9KB)
Hemerocallis 'Royal Heiress'. Burgundy with burgundy eye. Evergreen tetraploid, 24" tall with 6" flowers, repeats. Early to midseason. R. W. Munson, 1982. (Image (group) / JPEG / 503x369 pixels / 53.4KB) (Image (close-up) / JPEG / 553x409 pixels / 35.5KB)
Hemerocallis 'Small Rose Red'.
Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro'. 11" miniature famous for its extended bloom period. Yellow (gold self) 2¾" fragrant blooms. Tardily dormant. Hardy. Super performer here! We suggest slightly acid soil for best bloom. AHS award winner. Jablonski, 1975. (Image / JPEG / 600x457 pixels / 40KB)
Hemerocallis 'Summer Wine'. 24" purple self; very nice! Flowers 5½" across, midseason bloom, dormant type. Wild, 1973. (Image / JPEG / 468x318 pixels / 35.7KB)
Hemerocallis 'Tyler Ryan Powell'. From Powell's Nursery in North Carolina. Mini yellow; reblooms well. (Image / JPEG / 607x549 pixels / 63.5KB)
Hemerocallis 'Wilma Stella Allen'. Not it's real name, but this honors the gardener from whence it came. Gold and dark red bitone, with gold throat. Three feet. Repeats. (Image / JPEG / 618x532 pixels / 49.1KB)
Hemerocallis 'Yellow Tet.'. An apparently tetraploid evergreen from Doogie. Tall and vigorous. Very bold foliage.
Hemerocallis 'Zane's Sunrise'. Orange and red. Large-flowered, with heavy petals. An SPH introduction (not registered)..
Hemerocallis flava (H. lilioasphodelus). Species daylily. Lemon yellow flowers on tall scapes.
Hemerocallis littorea. Fall blooming orange daylily, about 30" tall.
Hesperaloe parviflora : AGAVACEAE, (Red Yucca). Slow-growing yucca relative with light red flowers in summer. Forms clumps to 3 or 4 feet across. Blooms are held above the leaves and reach about 5 feet tall. A long-term plant for a well-drained soil. Give our seedling plants a couple of years to become established and bloom. Native of Texas. Zones 6-9. Very limited availability. 1Qt. $5.00 each.
Heterotheca graminifolia (= Chrysopsis graminifolia = Pityopsis graminifolia) : ASTERACEAE, (Silk Grass). Silver grassy leaves provide interesting foliage contrast to other plants. Yellow daisies in late summer complete the picture. A native plant, silk grass offers drought tolerance and native adaptability. Can be used as a groundcover in shade, where it rarely flowers, but forms broad colonies of silver foliage. Prefers full sun and well drained soil for best flowering. Zones 6-9.
Hibiscus grandiflorus, (Great Rose Mallow). Gray felty foliage would be enough to recommend this plant, but the huge pink flowers in late summer are a special bonus. Flowers have distinct, non-overlapping petals, and do not lie flat, but are somewhat funnel shaped. Grows well in a moist soil, in sun. Height 6', spreading 4-6'. Coastal marshes, from GA to MS.
Hibiscus militaris, (Soldier Mallow). 4" pink flowers with a red throat are borne near the top of this 5-6' shrubby perennial during the summer. Likes a moist soil in sun or partial shade. (Image / JPEG / 465x356 pixels / 22KB)
Hibiscus Moscheutos 'Dixie Belle Mix'. Dwarf plants (3') with huge blooms of red, pink, or white.
Hibiscus Moscheutos 'Doogie's Rose'. Purplish red mallow flowers in midsummer. Height 4'.
Hibiscus Moscheutos 'Southern Belle Mix'. Tall grower (5'), with 10" blooms, in pink, white, and red. Moist soil in sun.
Hibiscus mutabilis, (Confederate Rose). Exuberant performer with large palmate leaves on upright canes, topped in late summer by huge trusses of pink flowers which age to red. Can become 15' or more tall in protected locations, the degree of dieback depending on the severity of the winter. In temperatures below about 15°F., the plants will die to the ground and resprout from the crown. Zones 7-10. (Image / JPEG / 379x384 pixels / 54KB)
Hibiscus palustris (H. Moscheutos SUBSP. palustris), (Marsh Mallow). Pink to white flowers. Ht. 5'. Eastern U.S. except Deep South. Zones 5-9. (Image / JPEG / 407x332 pixels / 30KB)
Hibiscus paramutabilis 'Katie's Red'. Selection from Lynn Lowery and Katie Ferguson of Houston, TX. Everblooming hibiscus with dark green leaves, not unlike H. mutabilis in outline, but smaller. The large, but not gaudy flowers are a rich rose red, with a darker central zone. Our best blooming Hibiscus. Height to 6' or more, often with arching canes; taller in shade. Give moisture and sun or partial shade. East central China. Zones 7-11.
For other Hibiscus species, SEE WOODY PLANTS. Hippeastrum bifidum (Rhodophiala bifida), (Blood Lily). One-foot tall lily, with bright red 2" blooms in summer. Argentina, Uruguay. Zones 8-11. (Image / JPEG / 701x463 pixels / 54KB)
Hosta 'Aoki' : LILIACEAE. Very narrow band of white on the leaf margins. (Get out your magnifying glass!). Compact.
Hosta 'Golden Tiara'. Yellow-striped, lanceolate leaves. Lavender flowers offer a rude contrast. Good grower for shade.
Hosta 'Kabitan'. Chartreuse overlay on medium green which manages to clash with nearly everything. Narrow leaves. Quite compact.
Hosta lancifolia, (Lance-Leaved Hosta). Small plants. Lavender flowers. Just enough hosta here to call it "a hosta".
Hosta 'Royal Standard' Big 'un with fragrant white flowers and large, simply green leaves.
Hosta Sieboldiana. Sports huge seersucker leaves and white flowers. Does it in the shade; complements other hostas, especially variegated ones. In other words, plant it next to something you'd rather look at instead.
Hosta undulata 'Univittata'. White-striped variegation in spring; leaves turn solid green in summer. Sneaky, eh? Small to medium sized hosta.
Hypericum olympicum 'Minus' : HYPERICACEAE, (Creeping St. Johnswort). Creeping perennial subshrub with 2" yellow flowers in summer; previously offered as H. olympicum. Very neat little plant, no more than 6" high.
For other Hypericums, see WOODY PLANTS.
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This page most recently updated Thursday, March 09, 2000.
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