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Ballota acetabulosa : LAMIACEAE, (Small Ballota) Silvery stems adorned with ½-inch circular leaves, felty and green-silvery. Give excellent drainage in sun. Zones 5-8. Baptisia australis : FABACEAE, (Blue False Indigo, Wild Blue Indigo). Bright blue-purple pea flowers in spikes above 3-4' blue-green trifoliate-leafed plants. Full sun to partial shade, well drained soil. Plants go totally dormant in winter, with just a few large buds at soil level (careful!). May take several years for plants to become established and flower well, but once the plants begin flowering, each year is better than the last. These are long term plants which should never need dividing, and, once planted, should not be moved. Eastern U.S. Hardy in zones 3-9. Mostly seed grown plants are offered. ( Image / JPEG / 386x600 / 37.1KB )
Baptisia lactea (B. alba), (White False Indigo). Milky white pea flowers on 3-5' plants. Botanists have recently reclassified all white Baptisia spp. as B. alba, except the former B. alba, which is now B. albescens. Go figure. We offer plants formerly known as B. lactea here. Well drained soils in sun or part shade.
Baptisia leucantha, (White False Indigo). White legume flowers. To 5'. Late to break from total dormancy. Seed grown first year plants are usually offered, though some cloned material is produced. For well-drained soils in sun or part shade. The plant is said to have medicinal properties.
Baptisia megacarpa, (Cream False Indigo). Creamy, pale yellow, almost white pea flowers on bushy plants to about 4' tall. Excellent bloomer here. Fat seed pods follow the flowers. Probably the most prolific flowering Baptisia we offer. For well-drained soils in sun or part shade.
Baptisia sp. 'Soft Yellow', (Soft Yellow False Indigo). Beautiful unidentified species with soft yellow flowers on 4-5' plants. Perhaps a form of B. sphaerocarpa. Give full sun and good drainage. Limited availability.
Barleria cristata : ACANTHACEAE, (Phillipine Violet). Two-inch purple flowers in clusters from leaf axils near the tips of the plant. Showy in bloom from fall through spring. Bushy grower to 4 feet tall; grows and blooms well in shade. India and Burma. Not hardy here at 7° F; however, was hardy at 15° F. Zones 8b-11.
Belamcanda chinensis : IRIDACEAE, (Blackberry Lily). Orange flowers leopard-spotted with red are followed by blackberry-like fruit. Iris-like foliage is attractive. For well-drained soils in partial shade. Dislikes overly acid soils. China. Zones 5-10. ( Image / JPEG / 298x256 pixels / 23.9KB )
Boehmeria lobata (B. biloba) : URTICACEAE. Interesting foliage plant. The two-lobed leaves are rounded and pebbly. Clump-forming perennial to 4 ft. tall; growing about as wide as tall. Native of Japan. Zones 7-11.
Boehmeria Sieboldiana, (Siebold's Boehmeria). Foliage plant for sun or partial shade. Shiny leaves are serrated, deeply veined, pointed at the tips. Clump-forming perennial to 4 ft. or more tall, slightly taller than wide. Zones 7-11.
Brugmansia x insignis 'Charles Grimaldi', (Charles Grimaldi Angel's Trumpet).. Huge, pendulous, fragrant, "luminous salmon" trumpets form during short day months. The color description is from our supplier, but Barb insists they're "soft apricot" - I'd say they're more or less yellow: obviously the color is not easily captured in words. Large, fast growing plants to 6' tall or more, forming a broad colony over time; easily separated from other Brugmansia by the serrated leaves. Perennial here; full sun best for flowering; moist, fertile soil. Hybrid: B. suaveolens x B. versicolor. South America. Zones 8-11. ( Image / JPEG / 600x420 pixels / 46KB )
Brugmansia x insignis 'Orange', (Orange Angel's Trumpet). Light orange trumpets in the late summer and fall. Large, fast growing plants to 6' tall. Perennial here; full sun best for flowering; moist, fertile soil. Zones 8-11.
Brugmansia x insignis 'Pink'. (Pink Angel's Trumpet). Large, pink trumpets in late summer. Large, fast growing plants to 6 ft. or more tall. Perennial here; full sun best for flowering; moist, fertile soil. Zones 8-11. ( Image / JPEG / 522x465 pixels / 56KB )
Brugmansia 'Jamaican Yellow'. Zones 8-11. Limited availability.
Brugmansia suaveolens. White, pendulous trumpets in fall. Zones 8-11. ( Image / JPEG / 600x460 pixels / 89.1KB )
Brugmansia versicolor. Flowers white, turning apricot-peach with age. Zones 8-11.
Brugmansia versicolor 'Ecuador Pink', (Ecuador Pink Angel's Trumpet). Large, fast growing plants to 6' tall or more, forming a broad colony over time. The flowers are huge, nice deep pink trumpets. Ecuador. Zones 8-11. ( Image / JPEG / 522x465 pixels / 55.8KB )
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This page most recently updated Tuesday, March 07, 2000.