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Dianthus hybrids : CARYOPHYLLACEAE, (Garden Pinks). Dianthus are wonderful foliage plants with the bonus of fragrant spring flowers. Most have glaucous blue gray linear leaves, tightly arranged in low, spreading mounds. They come in various colors from white to pink to red; they have single, semi-double, or fully double carnation-like flowers. Most are fragrant, and smell like cloves. Height from less than 6" to 18". Our collection now includes many antique (heirloom) varieties, prized by gardeners for decades. Plants need to be left in place for a few years to achieve best flowering. Grow in a neutral pH soil, with good drainage, in sun or partial shade. The addition of lime to plants grown in acid soils is highly beneficial. Zones 4-9. (Image / JPEG / 600x419 pixels / 60KB)
Dianthus 'Agatha' Semi-double pink.
Dianthus 'Aqua' 10" double white.
Dianthus 'Bath's Pink' 6" single pink. A subject of much hype in the Southern gardening press - though a decent plant, other Dianthus hybrids offer equal heat and humidity tolerance, and offer, in addition, a wide range of flower colors and fragrances. Southern garden writers (and nursery personnel) should learn about other Dianthus hybrids - they'd do us all a favor!
Dianthus 'Bat's Double Red' Dark double red; scented. Good cut flower.
Dianthus 'Beatrix' Double pink. Antique variety. Scented.
Dianthus 'Blue Hills' Alpine Pink. Very low, blue mounds and tiny leaves. Flowers bright crimson-magenta. 4" in bloom, foliage to 2" tall.
Dianthus 'Camilla' Single red with white spots. 12". (Image / JPEG / 515x448 pixels / 56.9KB)
Dianthus 'Charles Musgrave' Fragrant single white with a green eye. 10".
Dianthus 'Crimson Treasure' Crimson-red. 8".
Dianthus 'Dad's Favorite' Double white laced red, with a maroon center. (17th Century). (Image / JPEG / 600x498 pixels / 33.7KB)
Dianthus 'Danielle Marie' Double coral-pink, 10". Very fragrant. Popular. (Image / JPEG / 600x401 pixels / 51KB)
Dianthus 'David' 12" Deep coral.
Dianthus 'Desmond' Scarlet-Red.
Dianthus 'Dubonnet' Wine-Red.
Dianthus 'Essex Witch' Compact, semi-dbl. rose pink; very fragrant.
Dianthus 'Fair Folly' Single white with maroon edge. Mid-1600's antique variety. Scented.
Dianthus 'Goblin' Pink with maroon eye. Single. Compact.
Dianthus 'Helen' Double coral-pink, slightly taller than 'Danielle Marie'. (Image / JPEG / 600x400 pixels / 55.5KB)
Dianthus 'Her Majesty' Double white, compact.
Dianthus 'Hope' Double maroon with pink edge.
Dianthus 'Horatio' Compact rose-pink. 10".
Dianthus 'Inchmery' Pale China-pink. (18th Century).
Dianthus 'Itsaul White' Double white, fragrant. 12".
Dianthus 'Karlik' Fringed pink flowers. Very compact (4").
Dianthus 'Laced Romeo' 15" double scarlet with dark red center.
Dianthus 'Lady Granville' 10" white with red lacing. 1840.
Dianthus 'London Delight' Double pale pink with dark center and rose-red lacing. (1940's).
Dianthus 'London Poppet' Double rose-pink with dark center; 18".
Dianthus 'Margaret Curtis' Single white with red eye. 8". (Image / JPEG / 553x425 pixels / 49KB)
Dianthus 'Mrs. Sinkins' Fragrant double white.
Dianthus 'Oakington' 6" fragrant double rose.
Dianthus 'Old Velvet' Double deep velvet red, with white markings. Scented.
Dianthus 'Painted Beauty' Pink flecked with white.
Dianthus 'Pheasant's Eye' Semi-dbl. white with red center. (1690).
Dianthus 'Pike's Pink' Compact double pink. 6".
Dianthus 'Queen of Sheba' Single white with magenta edge. Fragrant antique. (Image / JPEG / 288x275 pixels / 17KB)
Dianthus 'Raspberry Tart' Double raspberry with maroon eye.
Dianthus 'Rosa Feder' Laced single pink. 9".
Dianthus 'Rose du Mai' Fragrant, double lilac-pink. Good foliage. (Early 1800's). 10".
Dianthus 'SPH Double White' Double white, 12".
Dianthus 'Spring Beauty Red' Dark reddish purple; large grower (15"). Selection from the seed strain.
Dianthus 'Sweetheart Abbey' Double reddish-lilac, fringed.
Dianthus 'Ursula La Grave' 12" single white, flushed raspberry, with maroon center.
Dianthus 'Waithman's Beauty' Compact ruby, splashed pink.
Dianthus 'Whatfield Gem' 6" double wine red, dappled with white.
Dicliptera suberecta : ACANTHACEAE, (Dicliptera). Whorls of reddish orange, 2" tubular flowers form at the tips of the arching, 2 foot stems in summer. The plants, relatives of "Jacobinia", have some of the best gray-tomentose foliage for the Deep South. Useful as a hanging basket, or as groundcover where hardy. Grow in full sun or partial shade; not particular as to soil, as long as reasonable drainage is provided. This plant deserves much wider use. Hardy here for several years. Zones 7b-11. (Image / JPEG / 435x411 pixels / 42.4KB)
Dietes vegeta (Moraea iridioides) : IRIDACEAE, (African Iris). Iris-like flowers of white, with yellow and blue. The crisp fans of leaves are thin and dark green. The iris-like foliage is a great asset when the plants are out of bloom. Performs well in shade. Happiest in Zones 8-11.
Dombeya Burgessiae : BYTTNERIACEAE or STERCULIACEAE, (Dombeya). Shrub with leaves like Hibiscus mutabilis. Light pink to white 1" flowers hanging from side branches during short days. Native from Kenya to South Africa. Perennial here, blooming late in fall at about 6 ft. tall. Zones 8-11.
Dombeya calantha, (Pink Dombeya). Shrub with lobed leaves and pink 1" flowers hanging from side branches during short days. Can grow to 12 ft. tall in frost-free zones. Native of Malawi (southeastern Africa). Zones 9-11.
Dombeya Wallichii 'Variegata', (Variegated Dombeya). Winter-blooming shrub or small tree, growing to 30 ft. in its native east Africa. The large, heart-shaped leaves are dappled with yellow. Flowers are deep pink to red, about 1½" across. Zones 9-11.
Duranta repens : VERBENACEAE, (Golden-Dewdrop, Pigeon Berry, Brazilian Skyflower). Bushy plants give lilac flowers at the branch tips, followed by yellow berries; sometimes both flowers and fruits are present at once. Die-back shrub, treated here as a perennial. Native range is given as being from Florida to Brazil. The "repens" in the name is a misnomer. Silly botanists. Zones 9-11.
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This page most recently updated March 16, 2000.