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Herbs in Bloom : A Guide to Growing Herbs As Ornamental Plants
, by Jo Ann Gardner; Hardcover - 394 pages (October 1998)
Jo Ann Gardner has been growing herbs for more than 25 years on her Cape Breton Island farm. Her A-Z selection of 80 favorite flowering herbs is full of detailed information on how to grow each herb from seed or cuttings, with systematic advice on site selection, soils, transplanting, and other practical concerns based on her own experience. She suggests appropriate landscape uses, and discusses interesting facts of history and lore along with the occasional recipe. As well as the featured herbs treated in depth, she mentions related plants of interest and selected cultivars. In all, more than 700 herbs are described. An appendix grouping herbs by prime bloom season will help the gardener plan for long-lasting garden color.

...or browse our bookstore for more books on herbs!

Herb plants suitable for growing in the Deep South (USDA Zones 7-9):

Tagetes Lemmonii : ASTERACEAE, (Scented Marigold). Pinnate leaves are dark green on this 3' plant. Small, single marigold flowers, in orange or yellow, are citrus-scented. Zones 8b-11.

Tagetes lucida, (Mexican Tarragon, Mint Marigold). Excellent substitute for French Tarragon, this offers yellow fall daisies, glossy linear leaves, a compact shrubby habit, and excellent heat and humidity tolerance. A true perennial for Zones 7-11. (Image / JPEG / 577x503 pixels / 63.4KB)

Tanacetum vulgare : ASTERACEAE, (Tansy). Strongly scented herb. Tall grower to 6' or more with ferny foliage and yellow button flowers.

Tanacetum vulgare 'Crispum', (Fernleaf Tansy). Crisped and curled, scented leaves make an excellent ornamental, enhanced by the yellow button flowers.

Thymus (Thyme)

Nomenclature of thymes is tremendously confused in the nursery trade. We have generally used the names given by our suppliers. All thymes are demanding plants in the Deep South : they require excellent drainage and are slow to exclude weeds. Give a little noonday shade, if possible. Thymes are good candidates for container culture.

Thymus 'Archer's Gold': LAMIACEAE, (Archer's Gold Thyme). Small-leaved thyme with shiny, apple green summer foliage and a mat-forming habit. Mild lemon scent.

Thymus 'Pink Ripple'. Tiny-leaved creeping thyme with pink flowers. Slight thyme scent. Height ½".

Thymus caespititius, (Tufted Thyme). Mat-forming, with tiny leaves that are hairy along the margins. 2" tall. Pungent, camphoric scent.

Thymus citriodorus, (Green Lemon Thyme). Tiny green leaves are intensely lemon scented. Excellent drainage is required, partial shade is recommended. Much better grower here than T. c. 'Aureus'.

Thymus citriodorus 'Aureus', (Golden Lemon Thyme). Yellow variegation brightens the look of this small leaved creeper. Fresh lemon scent. Plants available spring only.

Thymus praecox arcticus, (Creeping Thyme). Tiny leaves on creeping plants. Leaves are lightly scented, but the value of the plants is mostly ornamental. Height 1-2".

Thymus pulegioides, (Pennyroyal Thyme). Leaves small, dull olive green, with lemon fragrance. Height to 2 inches, mat-forming.

Thymus 'Reiter Thyme'. Another creeping thyme, with good heat tolerance. (Image / JPEG / 580x435 pixels / 77.7KB)

Thymus Serpyllum, (Mother of Thyme). Low grower to 3" tall. Pink flowers.

Thymus Serpyllum 'Aureus', (Golden Mother of Thyme). New growth golden yellow. Small, glossy, glabrous leaf with a slight lemon fragrance. Mat-former about 1-2" tall.

Thymus thracicus (T. lanicaulis). Loosely mat-forming perennial to 2" tall, with apple green, slightly hairy foliage. Very fragrant - pungent with fruity overtones.

Thymus thracicus 'Lavender', (Lavender Thyme). Small, grayish, very hairy leaves. Mat-former less than an inch tall. Slightly pungent scent; reminiscent of lavender.

Thymus vulgaris, (English Thyme). Common herb; tiny leaves on a subshrub. Best grown as an annual in the Deep South. Excellent drainage required. Mediterranean.

Thymus vulgaris 'Orange Balsam'. Subshrub with gray-green, fruit-scented, narrow pointed leaves. Habit like English Thyme.

Tropaeolum majus: TROPAEOLACEAE, (Nasturtium). Flowers are mixed colors in shades of red, orange, and yellow. We offer several different seed strains, including 'Alaska', which is variegated and comes true from seed. Native to Andes of South America.

Tropaeolum majus 'Alaska'. Variegated with white.

Tropaeolum majus 'Jewel Mix'. Double dwarf, mixed colors.

Tropaeolum majus 'Empress of India'. Trailing red, with dark, reddish leaves.

Tropaeolum majus 'Whirlybird'. Mixed colors. Large flowers face upward.

Vetiveria zizanoides : POACEAE, (Vetiver) is naturalized in some parts of South Louisiana. Very upright growth to 8' or so. Useful herb for basketry and potpourri, with its sandalwood-fragrant roots. Zones 8-11. Warm season grass.

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