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Crabtree & Evelyn Fragrant Herbal : Enhancing Your Life With Aromatic Herbs and Essential Oils
, by Lesley Bremness, Marie-Pierre Moine, Clay Perry (Photographer), Jean Cazal (Photographer); Hardcover - 256 pages 1 Us Ed edition (May 1998)
From one of the most popular retail stores for scented home and beauty products comes a comprehensive guide to growing and using herbs to enhance and influence atmosphere and mood. Includes an A-to-Z guide to herbs and instructions for growing them. 300+ color photos & illustrations. 8 color garden plans.

...or browse our bookstore for more books on herbs!

Herb plants suitable for growing in the Deep South (USDA Zones 7-9):

Pelargonium (Scented Geranium)

Scented geraniums are native to South Africa, where many natural hybrids occur. Tender perennials, hardy to Zone 9. Give good drainage and a sunny site. Good for container culture. Flowers generally of little interest; the scented leaves are the focus.

Pelargonium x 'Atomic Snowflake' : GERANIACEAE. Variegated rose-scented geranium. Large grower with big, round leaves. P. capitatum x quercifolium.

Pelargonium capitatum 'Attar of Roses'. Excellent rose scent. Plants slightly smaller than True Rose variety. Pink flowers.

Pelargonium x fragrans, (Nutmeg Scented Geranium). Spreading growth habit. Small, rounded, smooth, silvery leaves with a nice nutmeg fragrance. Height about one foot.

Pelargonium graveolens 'True Rose'. Best all around scented, very popular for its fine rose scent and vigorous growth, to 3' tall. Pink flowers in spring.

Pelargonium x 'Old Spice' (P. x 'Logeei'). Hybrid between P. x fragrans and P. odoratissimum. Just like the men's fragrance; plant habit is very similar to Nutmeg variety.

Pelargonium x 'Pungent Peppermint'. Probably P. tomentosum x graveolens. Somewhat silvery, finely cut leaves with sharp peppermint fragrance.

Pelargonium x 'Rober's Lemon Rose'. Large, hairy, lobed leaves, somewhat triangular in outline. Combines lemon and rose scents. P. tomentosum x graveolens.

Pelargonium x 'Roundleaf Rose'. Large, hairy, round leaves with a good rose scent. P. capitatum x quercifolium.

Perilla frutescens 'Atropurpurea' : LAMIACEAE, (Purple Perilla, Sisho). Annual with purple leaves that are large and rounded, and scented of cinnamon. Tiny lavender flowers in spikes; deadhead to prevent excessive reseeding; potentially a very invasive plant. Height 4 feet. (Image / JPEG / 360x385 pixels / 38KB)

Petroselinum crispum 'Curlina' : APIACEAE, (Curly Parsley). Popular garnish with decorative, highly curled leaves. 'Curlina' is a triple curled seed strain selected for its early productivity and ability to stay dark green in hot weather. Biennial.

Petroselinum crispum 'Green River', (Curly Parsley). Vigorous, early, medium green, double curled. Recovers quickly after cutting. Biennial.

Petroselinum crispum 'Moss Curled', (Curly Parsley). Popular garnish with decorative, highly curled leaves. Biennial.

Petroselinum crispum 'Plain Italian', (Plain, Italian, or Flat Parsley). Better flavor than curly parsley, less showy, with flattened leaves. Biennial.

Phyla alba : VERBENACEAE, (Licorice Verbena). Upright grower with large, shiny, scented leaves. Not hardy here, but worth growing as an annual for its scent. To 6' in a season. Zones 9-11.

Pogostemon Cablin : LAMIACEAE, (Patchouli). Old hippie cologne herb. Large glossy leaves, upright 4' grower. Unfortunately very tender to frost. Zones 10-11.

Poterium Sanguisorba : ROSACEAE, (Salad Burnet). Good salad ingredient, tastes like cucumber, but with no scent.

Prostanthera rotundifolia : LAMIACEAE, (Australian Mint Bush). Tender herb with dark green leaves, upright habit to 4' or more, strong eucalyptus scent, blue winter flowers. Best as a container plant for the cool winter sunroom.

Pycnanthemum flexuosum : LAMIACEAE, (Mountain Mint). Anise/pennyroyal scented shrubby mint. Native preferring somewhat dry soil and excellent drainage. Showy white flowers in summer.

Pycnanthemum incanum (P. pycnanthemoides), (Hillside Mint). Five foot tall plants come into their own in late summer, when the upper leaves turn white as bracts for the clusters of tiny lavender flowers. Would make a great "moon garden" plant. Tolerant of very dry soils, in sun or partial shade. Highly scented leaves combine pennyroyal and lemon.

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, (Narrow-Leaf Mountain Mint). Linear needle like leaves, fine pennyroyal scent. Showy white flowers, fine textural accent.

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Rosmarinus officinalis ('SPH Hardy') : LAMIACEAE, (Rosemary). Essential herb garden staple. We offer our 'SPH Hardy', which has persisted here for 6 years, surviving 4°F in 1989. This and other varieties of rosemary are available at nursery only; no rosemary plants will be shipped.

Rumex acetosa : POLYGONACEAE, (Sorrel). Broad leafed salad herb with tart taste. Interesting showy red flowers.

Rumex acetosa 'De Belleville', (DeBelleville Sorrel). Compact form of sorrel. Grows less than 15" in flower.

Salvia elegans : LAMIACEAE, (Pineapple Sage). Tender plant with bright red, edible fall flowers, and the most excellent pineapple scent. Bushy plants grow about 4' tall, with a similar spread. Mexico. (Image / JPEG / 340x300 pixels / 43.6KB)

Salvia elegans 'Freida Dixon', (Pink Pineapple Sage). Pink flowers on plants otherwise identical to S. elegans.

Salvia officinalis, (Garden Sage). Extremely difficult plant to grow well here as a perennial - best used as an annual from fall through spring. Hates the high heat and humidity of summers here. Spain to Asia Minor.

See additional Salvias in the Perennials section.

Satureja georgiana : LAMIACEAE, (Georgia Savory). Bushy plant with small, dark, glossy, scented leaves and pink flowers in late summer. Grows to about 18" tall - excellent ornamental. NC to Fl and MS.

Satureja montana, (Winter Savory). Pungent scented, with narrow leaves and a trailing habit. Slow and rather difficult here.


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This page most recently updated March 15, 2000.

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